Photo Skills Night

Tue 18 Feb 2025 7:30pm

Note from Trish:-

I'm calling this one "Fast and furious" - I will aim to show lots of little editing tips in Lightroom (ACR), Photoshop and Affinity (remember I'm not an expert, but will do my best).

This will potentially include:

How to create a 2 px border in Affinity. How to refine masks (including tips for fur). Desaturate greens. Use Puppet warp. Look at displacement maps and the vanishing point filter. Blend if. Creating actions. Recovering blown highlights. Ridding your image of those annoying halos. And more (if there is time, or appetite!)

As usual bring your laptops and follow along.  If you want a copy of the main files I am likely to use just email me in advance.

Cotswold Bowls Club
Golden Jubilee Way