Chairman's Challenge!

Thu 20 Feb 2025 7:30pm

It's Mick's first Chairman's Challenge and yes, it's a good one!  

******** Chairman's Challenge Submission - BY Midnight 14th February !!!!!!!!!

Mick is waiting for your entries! So the submission for these is as follows:

Send them by EMAIL to

Your email subject should be: Your Name

Size your images 1600 maximum width x 1200 maximum height

Title your images as you would for a competition - i.e not untitled737

Then all you have to do is to attach the images and in the body of your email tell Mick what your movie inspiration was.

Please submit between 3 to 5 images.  Maximum 5 - but if you only have 1 image to share, then that is fine.

Any problems please just ask!

As announced on the 12th of December, the theme of this year's chairman's challenge is 'Inspired by a Movie'.
Produce 3-5 coherent images that take their inspiration from a particular film.  Inspiration can be in any form you wish, for example:
 - The style of the film poster (checkout Jaws, The Godfather, The Artist)

- The name of the film (The Shape of Water, American Beauty, Moonlight)

 - The underlying themes and subtexts of the film (It's a Wonderful Life - redemption, The Truman Show - personal freedom)

 - The style & aesthetic of the film (the natural lighting and minimalist compostion of Nomadland, the drab & gritty bleakness of Joker, the vibrant pastel colours & symmetry of Grand Budapest Hotel)

There are three rules:

1) you must be able to explain how your collection of images are inspired (feel free to submit a screen shot of the film it's poster, etc if you wish)  

2) the images must have been taken between the 12th December 2024 & 13th February 2025

3) no generative AI

There will be prizes for the best image and best collection of images, based on a combination of overall image quality, and execution of the 'inspired by' brief.

There will be multitude of quality films on TV over the next few weeks, I wish you all good luck finding one that inspires you!


Cotswold Bowls Club
Golden Jubilee Way