Roger's challenge is 'Inspired by...' with members invited to submit 3 images taken between 1 Dec 2022 and the deadline for entry on 28 Feb 2023 with inspiration for each each image taken from the following:
a. A well known artist,
b. A well-known photographer, and/or
c. One of the external speakers we had in 2022.
Your images can represent a mix of the above categories or come from a single category. For example, if you live next door to some odd looking twins you could try a Diane Arbus style image, if you capture a great black and white image of the landscape you could pretend to be Ansell Adams and if you have a collection of bird skulls lying around, you could try a Stan Farrow style composition. You are only limited by the imagination of others! Your images should not be exact copies of other works but should be seen to be inspired by them.
Prizes will be awarded to the members with the individual image I judge to be best (making modest allowance for the experience of the photographer to level the playing field) and the best group of three images. You can only win one prize.
Images must reach Roger by e-mail or WeTransfer as an absolute deadline of no later than 5 pm on Tue 28 Feb -
Roger has now scheduled a few days away enjoying himself so if at all possible, please get your images to him for Friday 24th February.
Your file name should take the form: Members name_Name of the person that you have been inspired by_Image Title.jpg. All images must be at standard competition size (max 1600 px width and max 1200 px in height).
This is a great opportunity to practise a new genre or style of photography inspired by artists and photograpers whose work you admire.
It will be a fun evening!