Mobile Phone Challenge

Thu 31 Mar 2022 7:30pm

This is the evening where we show a selection of our mobile phone images - ideally to showcase how clever you are using your phones as cameras, and not just snaps of the kids (although, obviously "portraits" would be acceptable).

Send up to 6 images (you do not have to send 6, you can send just 1 if you like) to Roger by close of play Wednesday 30th March.

Ideally resize to smaller files 1600 x 1200 (but I'm pretty sure that Roger will cope if you haven't been able to do this)

Edits are allowed, if you have shot your image on your phone in RAW and edit on your phone as well - the whole point of the evening is to showcase what can be achieved in this modern era with your phone! By all means use apps such as Snapseed (which is incredibly powerful as an editing tool), but again, using normal camera club "rules" any textures or other elements should be your own, and not the presets included within the app.


Cotswold Bowls Club
Golden Jubilee Way